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May 27, 2011

Israel ‘bites the hand that feeds it’

During the past few days, the president of the United States spoke at the AIPAC meeting. In his speech, he presented a proposal for the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That proposal was rejected by Prime Minister B. Netanyahu. In my judgment, President Obama’s proposal was unfair to the Palestinian side and more pro-Israeli. His proposal left out important issues that reflect on the core of the conflict, such as the status of Jerusalem and the refugee problem. He said these problems were to be discussed by both parties later on. The main issue that Obama stressed is the 1967 borders with adjustments to be made by both groups. People who are familiar with his Zionist ideology expected the Prime Minister of Israel’s response. It was anticipated that he would reject President Obama’s proposal, especially because he knows that he can rely on the support of the American congress. That was so clear when Mr. Netanyahu addressed the U.S. congress, where the members of both parties gave him a warm welcome and a standing ovation. The positive response of the American Congress was expected as usual, since it has a long and consistent history of support for Israel. As some ex-members of congress stated clearly, Israel dictates its policy and the U.S. government implements it without questions asked. The impression that the U.S. congress created is that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is blindly supported over Obama’s proposal. This has been the case since the U.S. created Israel in 1948.

The Palestinians in particular and the Arab world in general have been chasing a mirage that will lead them nowhere. The U.S. government and congress is run by lobbyists and AIPAC and other Jewish Zionist organizations, in addition to Christian Zionist groups that will continue to dominate American foreign policy in support of Israel. In the past, the Arab states failed to use the right approach to pressure the American Congress to be more non-aligned and focused on the American national interest, instead of that of Israel. This happened briefly during the early 1970s, when Saudi Arabia imposed an oil embargo against the U.S. The American business sector is the most powerful lobby that can stand up to the Jewish lobby in the U.S. As the late Senator Fulbright put it once, the American national interest should supersede any other interests.

As was frequently pointed out in previous posts, the U.N. gave Israel its birth certificate in 1948 and is the only international organization that can impose a solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, provided that the U.S. will stop using its veto power to put an end to the conflict. The UN General Assembly is the proper organization to deal wit the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On the other hand, the fanatic Zionist politicians of Israel need to reckon with the fact that there are nearly 4 million Palestinians who are living in the occupied lands. They need either to be set free or to be incorporated into Israel with the lands the Israelis are trying to seize. Actually, this would be a better solution for the Palestinians than to create non-viable state.

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