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Sep 25, 2011

Continuous Lies and Deception

During the past year (2010-2011) three autobiographies were published by the leaders of the Iraq invasion: George W. Bush’s book Discussion Points, Dick Cheney’s book In My Life and Donald Rumsfeld’s book Known and Unknown. The three criminals, including Paul Wolfowitz, have played the major leading roles in misleading the American Public to justify the Iraq invasion (2003). All three of them have defended their roles in supporting the Iraq war, despite the fact that no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. The three of them shared a similar view, which is that Iraq is better of without Saddam Hussein.

Furthermore, none of the three terrorists have admitted the negative economic and human loss on both the American and Iraqi sides. The three of them, instead of apologizing to the American people for the blunders that they committed, insisted that the invasion was justified. The three of them have left two wars that are still going on, and, in the end, the world has accomplished nothing. Furthermore, both wars doubled the American foreign debts from nearly $5 trillion to nearly $10 trillion. George W. Bush started his presidency with a federal budget surplus of more than $250 billion and left with the longest federal deficit ever and national debts exceeding $10 trillion.

When George W. Bush’s book was published and some of the mass media publicized it, I had no desire whatsoever to even look at it for one simple reason: George W. Bush is a habitual liar and I was sure that he would continue to do so in his book, just like the other two criminals, Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Nevertheless, after a few remarks made to me by some friends about Bush’s autobiography, I checked the book out from the library. The autobiography consists of 497 pages, which are divided into 14 sections. I admit that I only read the section on Iraq, and as I thought, Bush continued his lines of deception and lying to the readers, claiming that the decision to go to war and remove Saddam Hussein from power was justified by all means and that the Iraqi people are free at last (p. 226). According to Mr. Bush, Saddam Hussein massacred thousands of innocent Shiaa and Kurds following the Gulf War (p. 225). The irony of this rationale is the fact that George W. Bush did not refer to the more than one million Iraqi civilians who have been killed during the war, in addition to the more than 4,000 American soldiers who have died in vain as a result of the invasion.

George W. Bush was under the illusion that the decision he made in order to protect the U.S. was accomplished after he asked his “heavenly father” for guidance, irrespective of what other people thought. The interesting fact is that Bush did not admit in his book that even before the 9/11 tragedy occurred, he was looking for an excuse to justify the invasion of Iraq. Former White House National securityAdvisor Richard Clark has confirmed in his book Against All Enemies that Mr. Bush was determined to find evidence of cooperation between al-Qaeda and the late Saddam Hussein’s regime, which he wanted to use to support his rationale for the invasion of Iraq.

It seems that Bush was not aware of the fact that Saddam Hussein was a strong opponent of all Islamic militant groups, including al-Qaeda. He went to the extreme to slaughter many of them. For that reason, bin Laden publicly stated that Saddam Hussein’s regime was more dangerous to their cause than the U.S. Prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, bin Laden offered his help to join the invading forces to get rid of Saddam Hussein.

George W. Bush was very ill informed about Iraq before and even after the invasion he admitted that he felt “blindsided” over some of the blunders that were committed in Iraq, such as the treatment of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prisons, which were a violation of human rights. Not only was he not aware of that, but also other issues such as the financial crisis, which was increasing with the cost of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. As the Nobel Laureate recipient, economist Joseph Stiglitz, put it, “The subsequent invasion of Iraq was entirely unconnected to Al-Qaeda – as Bush tried to establish a link. That war of choice quickly became very expensive – orders of magnitude beyond the $60 billion claimed at the beginning, as colossal incompetence met dishonest misrepresentation. He continued to say that Bush’s Iraq war was based on false pretenses and it was the first war in the history of the U.S. to be paid for entirely on credit. (Project Syndicate, 2011).

It is unfortunate to point out that since the election of President Obama, no attempts have been made to investigate the rationale behind the Iraq invasion in 2003, which was based on false reports. The legality of Bush’s administrative war actions has been viewed as suspected criminal acts under U.S. and international law.

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